Which Treatment is Best for You?

Understand your options


What are the different options for Metabolic Bariatric Surgery?

There are a number of options and factors to consider when pursuing weight loss surgery Melbourne. Our side-by-side comparison below covers the main differences between gastric bypass surgery, sleeve gastrectomy, gastric banding and the gastric balloon.
Allurion Gastric BalloonLap BandGastric SleeveGastric Bypass
Procedure TypeNon-incision endoscopic procedure under light sedation1-5 incision laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery under general anaesthetic5 incision laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery under general anaesthetic5 incision laparoscopic (keyhole) surgery under general anaesthetic
Change to Internal AnatomyNoneNone. Band placed around top of stomach. No cutting of stomach or intestines.80% stomach removed but digestive system unalteredStomach cut to leave small pouch. Intestines rerouted to bypass digestions.
Expected Weight Loss12 – 20kg in 6 months50-60% excess weight loss (average 30kg)50-70% excess weight loss (average 45kg)60-70% excess weight loss (average 60kg)
ReversibilityTemporaryFully reversible if medically indicatedIrreversible but future options preservedEffectively irreversible
AdjustabilityNot adjustableAdjustableNot adjustableNot adjustable

Our surgeons operate exclusively in

Cabrini Malvern
183 Wattletree Road, Malvern 3144

Epworth Richmond
89 Bridge Road, Richmond 3121

Jessie McPherson
246 Clayton Road, Clayton 3168

Capital Radiology Camberwell (Allurion Balloon)
607-609 Riversdale Road, Camberwell 3124

The location of your surgery will depend on several factors, including theatre list availability.

The average time from initial consultation to your surgery date is 4-5 weeks. The average time for placement of an intragastric balloon is 2-3 weeks from consultation.

If you prefer a particular hospital, please let us know.


Schedule A Consultation

Contact us today to schedule your consultation with our experienced gastric bypass surgeons and start your journey towards a healthier, happier you.

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    (03) 9828 1900

    Call Us Today! Or email us at info@cwls.com.au

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    Our Address

    105/12 Cato St, Hawthorn East VIC 3123